Requesting Library Items–Books and More!
Libraries are associated in people’s minds with traditional books, printed on paper. We DO have and love traditional books, fiction and non-fiction, for babies, children, teens and adults. We also offer many other library items for check-out: audio books, DVD’s, music CD’s, magazines, graphic novels and our new Decade Boxes full of books, movies, games/puzzles and items pertaining to each decade.
The Wonewoc Public Library belongs to the Winding Rivers Library System and the WRLSWEB consortium. WRLSWEB is the shared catalog of 29 member libraries.
- Patrons can request items from the full WRLSWEB catalog to be sent to the Wonewoc Libary for pick-up. This catalog is found on our website under Catalog on the right side of the webpage.
- Items are delivered four times a week; on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. You will be notified when your items arrive.
- You can make requests from your home or office computer, phone, or ask a library staff person to make a request for you.
- If you cannot find an item you’re looking for, the library staff can search beyond the shared system catalog, in WISCAT, which allows us to search all catalogs in Wisconsin.
- The loan period for books, audio books, and music is 3 weeks. DVD’s, and magazines are one week unless the DVD is a series, then the loan period is 2 weeks.
- An item can be renewed up to three times if no one else has requested it.
Library Card
- Your library card works at all the libraries in the WRLS system, which encompasses seven Wisconsin counties in our region.
- Library cards are free. Stop by and fill out the short registration form. You will need a photo I.D. and proof of current address.
- Children under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the registration form in order to get a library card.
- If your old library card has a bar code beginning with “A”, please stop by the library to get a new card.
- The Wonewoc Public Library has six computers for public use, as well as two laptops.
- The six computers are connected to a printer, so that users can print from the Internet or print documents created on the computer.
- If others are waiting to use a computer, there is a time limit of 2 hours.
- When using the computers, please either have the sound off or use headphones. The library has earbuds that can be purchased for $1.50.
- Please ask the library staff if you need help operating the copier.
- Copies can be made in black and white or color.
- The library charges 10 cents per page for black and white single-sided, 15 cents for black and white double-sided and 50 cents for a color one-sided copy.
- The library does not have a fax machine or laminating machine.
Display Case
Come and see how we decorate the display case for every season. At times, someone in our community, adult or child, has their collection in our display case for all to enjoy. If you have a collection you’d like to share, call the library and let us know so we can display your collection.
Posted by Kim on June 23rd, 2010